If you use your vehicle whilst you are working and have to cover some or all of the fuel costs yourself, then you are entitled to a Mileage Tax Refund. This covers the cost of fuel for your vehicle, as this is a work related business expense. Even if your employer contributes towards your fuel costs you are still entitled if they pay you anything less then 0.45p per mile.
All of our advice is free and we operate a strict "No Refund, No Fee" policy so you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. We can backdate claims for the last four years. Our trained claims experts understand how complicated and time consuming the process is, so we do all the relevant work for you and you just wait for your money to arrive. Simply click the "start your claim here" button below to begin.
If you work as a relief teacher or work as a teacher for an agency travelling to different places of work, then we can get a refund for your travel expenses. Simply fill in our short claim form to get back what is rightfully yours.
Work as any type of field engineer where your job needs you to travel to different places to carry out the activities of your work. Simply fill in our short claim form to get back what is rightfully yours. Remember even if you think you do not qualify contact us for a free assessment.